Civil Aviation is a powerful force for progress in our modern global society. A healthy and air transport system creates and support millions of jobs world as well it forms parts of the economy lifeline of many countries.
Twenty-four hours a day, 365 days of a year, an aeroplane takeoff or lands every second on an airport somewhere on the face of the earth.
Solomon Islands as a contracting state to the convention on International Civil Aviation has an obligation to the international community to ensure that civil aviation activities under its jurisdiction are carried out in compliance with the standards and Recommended practices contained in the nineteen annexes to the convention on international civil aviation in order to maintain the required aviation standards.
As per the standard of the annex 14 to the convention, ICAO Doc 9774 and Civil Aviation Rule Part 139, Certification Operation and Use, Aerodromes used for International Civil Aviation are required to be certified by state.
CAASI provide guidelines, procedures and investigation to assess the aerodrome operator to process for the issuance of aerodrome certificate. It is designed to ensure that the required standards are applied and conform with standard & recommended practices and Civil Aviation Rules Part 139.
A fundamental element of such responsibilities is the requirement to periodically inspect and or test certified aerodromes for compliance. Thus, a functioning CAASI inspection/audit process is needed for the regulator to properly carry out safety oversight and fulfill its mandated responsibility.
A well maintained, safe and secure airport is good for the business in this competitive world.